Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Touched by the Life of an Angel

This past week has been a week of tears, smiles, and happy memories. The passing of a loved one is never easy, and can be difficult to understand why a beautiful life was taken so quickly. It is in these passing days we find ourselves trying to face reality and come to terms with what has happened. On Wednesday, August 7th, 2013, my sweet Aunt Diane passed away. When I received the news, I was in shock and felt a feeling of numbness. It felt too much like a dream. It will take some time to accept and realize she has passed on; but it is a great comfort and feeling of peace knowing that someday she will be reunited with her family and we will all embrace once again. As mentioned at her funeral, she has been called home to help with things she wouldn't have been able to complete here on Earth. This past week has been spent thinking about the happy times spent with Diane and the many ways she has touched each of our lives. Hearing the stories of her life and the example she led has been an honor and moment I will not forget. I am grateful for my Aunt Diane and what she has taught all of us through the great love she had for her family. I feel as though I have a small piece of her in me and will always remember and cherish the time I got to spend with her. Love you Aunt Diane <3