Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Blessing of Family

The past month of August has been a whirl wind of events. As mentioned in previous entries, my aunt Diane passed away and a week or so later my brother, Ben got married. During this time, I have come to a greater appreciation and love for my family. I will always be grateful to have a beautiful family who have a love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The time spent together during these events have been special, and memories I will remember and cherish. We have each been blessed with a family unit whom we have the special privilege to spend this Earth life with, and hopefully Eternity, our ultimate goal. Yes, there are moments which will require patience and our personal time/energy to reach out and build lasting relationships with family members. Sometimes we may take for-granted or overlook the time given to spend with those we love; however, that does not mean we should not do our best today to love them even more. Take the time to listen, lend a helping hand when a sibling may be struggling, say a special prayer, play a game with a younger sibling, laugh at the cheesy jokes. These small moments add up and are worth every minute of what we make of them. Don't put off or neglect a relationship. The time to love and be a friend is now!

Below are some pictures I have taken this past month of moments shared with my family! 

{The Rexburg Temple} 

{Rexburg, Idaho Temple at night}
{Buffalo river in Island park. The Crabtree Cabin was originally built here 100 years ago}

{Cammie and Katie exploring the river!!}
{Playing on Snake Island}
{A beautiful afternoon}

{Crabtree tradition: pick yummy huckleberries!! We got a lot this year!}

{Mom and Dad picking oodles of berries!}
{Huckleberry patch}
{Delicious pizza at Pond's Lodge}
{Nature Walk}
{Idaho clouds~My favorite!}
{Alyssa showing Cammie "Snap Dragon" flowers on the Rexburg temple grounds}
{Sunset in Idaho}
{Twin Falls, Idaho and Snake River}
{View of the Twin Falls Canyon}

{Cousin time! Left: Me, Megan, Alyssa, and Carlee}
{One of the sweetest families ever! Left front row: Shauna, Aubrei, Matt, and me. Left back row: Luke and Doug}
{If I had a car..I would choose the cute Teal car. Saw this in Fernley, Nevada and had to get a picture!} 

{Ben and Tessa's Wedding at the Salt Lake temple. Starting at the left: Tanner, Trevar, Addie, Alyssa, Meg, Tatia, Tessa, Ben, Me, Gina, Tailey, Haley, and Ian. Picture taken by Parker Bryant} 
{We had the chance to tour the Conference center at Temple Square}
{My mom's tall sunflowers~Taller than me!}
{Clouds, blue sky, sun, and tall trees}
<3 Breanna