Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why I Started a Blog..

For me, I thought blogging was only meant for women who were married and wanted to document their happy beginnings with their sweetheart, (and soon to be family). Which a lot of women do! And that is totally fine. In fact, I would do the same if I were married..But I'm not..So why am I blogging?? Good question, huh?

I was first introduced to the blog world this past Winter semester at school. My professor, Brother Williams, had it as a requirement to create a personal blog available to the public to read. I was a little hesitant to share my thoughts with people I didn't even know. I mean a blog is kind of like your journal and there are experiences/thoughts which are personal...BUT the class I was taking had a lot of resourceful information regarding the family, and why keep such amazing knowledge to yourself, when so many others could truly benefit? So, being I really had no choice, I took it upon myself to begin a blog..Something I was totally clueless about and unsure of how to go about managing. Let's just say it was a new adventure for me!

From the experience of sharing what I learned in Brother William's class, I came to realize that maybe blogging wasn't such a bad idea; especially since it opens up new opportunities to share who you are, your interests, what you believe and care about. Plus, you are able to connect with others who share similar views/interests..It provides a way to communicate and share constructive feedback that is beneficial to the reader and blog author.

During the entire Winter semester I was diligent in keeping up my blog, "Finding Joy in the Journey". Unfortunately, once the class ended, I stopped blogging. I also decided to take a break from school and return home to work. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, blogging sat on the shelf and collected dust..Until one day, I remembered that I used to have a blog...and it was fun! And then I had this brilliant idea, "I should start a blog!" The rest is history! This blog that I created is not going to be your run of the mill, perfect cookie cutter blog..I don't know if that makes sense. Pretty much what I am saying is this blog is not going to be perfect. It will be a collection of my experiences; whether they be enjoyable and great or stinky and unsuccessful. I want to post about my life, but keep it real and relative to those who read my blog.

My greatest desire and hope is that my blog will inspire and change the lives of those who read it. I do not mean that in a selfish way. More so, I want those who read this blog to come away with a new idea, a fresh perspective of who they are, a greater resolve to be themselves and remember their great worth and potential! Basically I want to motivate and encourage those who, like me, are discovering themselves and trying their best to become who they are meant to be :)

In order for my goal to be met, I came up with several ideas as to what to focus my blog on:

Most of my blog posts will be selected from one of these three categories. I chose these main areas because they tie together nicely with the title of the blog, "Holding High the Torch"; and ideally are what makes for a productive and meaningful life.

When I think of holding a torch, I do not mean it in a literal sense, rather in a figurative way. Using our talents to create and become, inspiring others along the way and looking to others for input and help, living with a full purpose. Creating, inspiring, and living a meaningful life are all central to building ourselves and ultimately sharing our light so that others can see their way and improve their lives as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read! Any feedback regarding this post would be greatly appreciated! Any suggestions of what I could add?

Until next time!

<3 Breanna