Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why I Started a Blog..

For me, I thought blogging was only meant for women who were married and wanted to document their happy beginnings with their sweetheart, (and soon to be family). Which a lot of women do! And that is totally fine. In fact, I would do the same if I were married..But I'm not..So why am I blogging?? Good question, huh?

I was first introduced to the blog world this past Winter semester at school. My professor, Brother Williams, had it as a requirement to create a personal blog available to the public to read. I was a little hesitant to share my thoughts with people I didn't even know. I mean a blog is kind of like your journal and there are experiences/thoughts which are personal...BUT the class I was taking had a lot of resourceful information regarding the family, and why keep such amazing knowledge to yourself, when so many others could truly benefit? So, being I really had no choice, I took it upon myself to begin a blog..Something I was totally clueless about and unsure of how to go about managing. Let's just say it was a new adventure for me!

From the experience of sharing what I learned in Brother William's class, I came to realize that maybe blogging wasn't such a bad idea; especially since it opens up new opportunities to share who you are, your interests, what you believe and care about. Plus, you are able to connect with others who share similar views/interests..It provides a way to communicate and share constructive feedback that is beneficial to the reader and blog author.

During the entire Winter semester I was diligent in keeping up my blog, "Finding Joy in the Journey". Unfortunately, once the class ended, I stopped blogging. I also decided to take a break from school and return home to work. Amidst all the hustle and bustle, blogging sat on the shelf and collected dust..Until one day, I remembered that I used to have a blog...and it was fun! And then I had this brilliant idea, "I should start a blog!" The rest is history! This blog that I created is not going to be your run of the mill, perfect cookie cutter blog..I don't know if that makes sense. Pretty much what I am saying is this blog is not going to be perfect. It will be a collection of my experiences; whether they be enjoyable and great or stinky and unsuccessful. I want to post about my life, but keep it real and relative to those who read my blog.

My greatest desire and hope is that my blog will inspire and change the lives of those who read it. I do not mean that in a selfish way. More so, I want those who read this blog to come away with a new idea, a fresh perspective of who they are, a greater resolve to be themselves and remember their great worth and potential! Basically I want to motivate and encourage those who, like me, are discovering themselves and trying their best to become who they are meant to be :)

In order for my goal to be met, I came up with several ideas as to what to focus my blog on:

Most of my blog posts will be selected from one of these three categories. I chose these main areas because they tie together nicely with the title of the blog, "Holding High the Torch"; and ideally are what makes for a productive and meaningful life.

When I think of holding a torch, I do not mean it in a literal sense, rather in a figurative way. Using our talents to create and become, inspiring others along the way and looking to others for input and help, living with a full purpose. Creating, inspiring, and living a meaningful life are all central to building ourselves and ultimately sharing our light so that others can see their way and improve their lives as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read! Any feedback regarding this post would be greatly appreciated! Any suggestions of what I could add?

Until next time!

<3 Breanna 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Blessing of Family

The past month of August has been a whirl wind of events. As mentioned in previous entries, my aunt Diane passed away and a week or so later my brother, Ben got married. During this time, I have come to a greater appreciation and love for my family. I will always be grateful to have a beautiful family who have a love for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The time spent together during these events have been special, and memories I will remember and cherish. We have each been blessed with a family unit whom we have the special privilege to spend this Earth life with, and hopefully Eternity, our ultimate goal. Yes, there are moments which will require patience and our personal time/energy to reach out and build lasting relationships with family members. Sometimes we may take for-granted or overlook the time given to spend with those we love; however, that does not mean we should not do our best today to love them even more. Take the time to listen, lend a helping hand when a sibling may be struggling, say a special prayer, play a game with a younger sibling, laugh at the cheesy jokes. These small moments add up and are worth every minute of what we make of them. Don't put off or neglect a relationship. The time to love and be a friend is now!

Below are some pictures I have taken this past month of moments shared with my family! 

{The Rexburg Temple} 

{Rexburg, Idaho Temple at night}
{Buffalo river in Island park. The Crabtree Cabin was originally built here 100 years ago}

{Cammie and Katie exploring the river!!}
{Playing on Snake Island}
{A beautiful afternoon}

{Crabtree tradition: pick yummy huckleberries!! We got a lot this year!}

{Mom and Dad picking oodles of berries!}
{Huckleberry patch}
{Delicious pizza at Pond's Lodge}
{Nature Walk}
{Idaho clouds~My favorite!}
{Alyssa showing Cammie "Snap Dragon" flowers on the Rexburg temple grounds}
{Sunset in Idaho}
{Twin Falls, Idaho and Snake River}
{View of the Twin Falls Canyon}

{Cousin time! Left: Me, Megan, Alyssa, and Carlee}
{One of the sweetest families ever! Left front row: Shauna, Aubrei, Matt, and me. Left back row: Luke and Doug}
{If I had a car..I would choose the cute Teal car. Saw this in Fernley, Nevada and had to get a picture!} 

{Ben and Tessa's Wedding at the Salt Lake temple. Starting at the left: Tanner, Trevar, Addie, Alyssa, Meg, Tatia, Tessa, Ben, Me, Gina, Tailey, Haley, and Ian. Picture taken by Parker Bryant} 
{We had the chance to tour the Conference center at Temple Square}
{My mom's tall sunflowers~Taller than me!}
{Clouds, blue sky, sun, and tall trees}
<3 Breanna

Friday, August 16, 2013

Ben + Tessa, and A Wedding! Oh my!

Today my family and our sweet friend Susan will be taking a mini van and be driving across the beautiful state of Nevada. Woohoo! Yay for lots of tumble weeds, open sky, train tracks, road construction, bathroom stops, and semi trucks. Destination: Utah. The drive is not new for my family. We've taken it many times. This time, however, it is quite different and possibly one of the most exciting and happiest moments for my family to ever experience!

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013, my brother Ben and his beautiful fiancée, Tessa, will be sealing the deal and be married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake City Temple. Wedding bells will be ringing and Mom and Dad get to see their first child begin a new chapter with a gorgeous addition to our family. You did a great job Ben! We look forward to having Tessa be part of the happy Crabtree clan! We got the wedding announcement this past week, (finally)! Loved every bit of it! It's all rushed down to the last stretch, the moment our family has been waiting for some time now. In fact, I was the first in the family to predict Ben would be proposing to Tessa way back in late February/March/Somewhere around there ;) My whole Summer has been spent counting down the weeks for this moment. As you can tell, I AM EXCITED! But boy, wedding planning sure can be stressful! (Even when you're not the one getting married) :P It's been a good learning experience for all of us though!

My mom has been putting her all into planning and putting together the wedding reception. She wants it to be beautiful, and not the run of the mill typical reception. So, she's had a lot on her plate lately, but it's all coming together. (Keep our fingers crossed). On several occasions I have heard my mom mention something which I think all family/friends should remember in the midst of a wedding, and that is: "All that really matters is the Temple". That's all we should be focused on as a top priority. All other worries need not control or dominate the greatest of them all: A beautiful temple marriage :)


Today has been a ColdPlay day. Nice relaxing music.Anyways, the reason why I bring this up is Ben, throughout his teenage years, has sat down at the piano and plunked out the song, "The Scientist". Listening to it makes me think of Ben, and it brings a happy smile to my face. Listen and enjoy!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A New Journey Ahead

Life. It tends to keep you on your toes! Each day is a gift and what a beautiful gift it is :) Lately I have been in the middle of change. Lots of it. I do not know what is in store one day from another, but that's part of what makes each day new and exciting. Yet again, it is also nice to have some structure to the day, (which I'll admit is my weakness). I definitely need a planner and a big piece of paper to record lists/appointments/goals. I'm a visual person, the more I see it and am writing in it, the more likely I am to do it. So, with that being said, I hope to be a more organized/plan ahead gal who has a general idea of some things I find worthwhile and useful in regards to time/energy that I have. Pinterest/blogging can tend to get out of hand and as much fun and excitement they bring, I feel like there needs to be rules and a plan to how I go about my leisure time ;)

My challenge to all my lovely friends who are reading this blog post is to find one simple thing you have been putting on the back burner and go and do it! Whether it's a friend you've been meaning to call, a new exercise routine you'd like to start, a bad habit you need to break, a new recipe you'd like to try. Do it and don't look back! We all need some time to re-energize and get a better outlook on things. Choose that one thing you want to improve and then I want you to write it down and put that baby right where you can see it--on your bathroom mirror, on the fridge, in your car, on your face..Whatever it takes! As long as you are reminded on a regular basis, that's all that matters.

I'll start off and share one thing I would like to work on: Scripture study. Read 15 minutes each day. I'll report back at the end of the week, and I would love to hear from anyone who feels so inclined in sharing their progress :) Best of luck! And remember, if you forget or miss one day..it's okay! Just pick up the pieces and resolve to move forward.

go & do!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Touched by the Life of an Angel

This past week has been a week of tears, smiles, and happy memories. The passing of a loved one is never easy, and can be difficult to understand why a beautiful life was taken so quickly. It is in these passing days we find ourselves trying to face reality and come to terms with what has happened. On Wednesday, August 7th, 2013, my sweet Aunt Diane passed away. When I received the news, I was in shock and felt a feeling of numbness. It felt too much like a dream. It will take some time to accept and realize she has passed on; but it is a great comfort and feeling of peace knowing that someday she will be reunited with her family and we will all embrace once again. As mentioned at her funeral, she has been called home to help with things she wouldn't have been able to complete here on Earth. This past week has been spent thinking about the happy times spent with Diane and the many ways she has touched each of our lives. Hearing the stories of her life and the example she led has been an honor and moment I will not forget. I am grateful for my Aunt Diane and what she has taught all of us through the great love she had for her family. I feel as though I have a small piece of her in me and will always remember and cherish the time I got to spend with her. Love you Aunt Diane <3

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sunday Biscuits

Today I decided to practice my lovely cooking skills and whipped together a batch of biscuits from scratch. Major accomplishment right here! ;) The end result was amazing. Spread some butter and sweet honey over the yummy creations, and MmmmMmmm! You've got a beautiful masterpiece of fresh/warm biscuits. The recipe and instructions are posted below. Enjoy!

This biscuit recipe comes from the lovely cook book, "Better Homes and Gardens: New Cook Book".

You will need the following:


2 cups all-purpose flour
 1 tablespoon baking powder
2 teaspoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon cream of tarter
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup shortening, margarine, or butter 
2/3 cup milk                               Oven 450*

{1} In a bowl stir together flour, baking powder, sugar, cream of tarter, and salt.
{2} Cut in shortening, margarine, or butter till mixture resembles coarse crumbs.


{2} Coarse crumbs/looks like mashed potatoes!
{3} Make a well in the center; add milk all at once.
{4} Stir just till dough clings together.
{5} On a lightly floured surface, knead dough gently for 10 to 12 strokes. Roll or pat dough to 1/2-inch thickness. {6} Divide the dough into four sections.


{7} Cut (4-5) triangle slices in each divided section of dough. Melt some butter and spread on top of triangle slices. Starting at the tip of the triangle, roll the dough till it meets the other end. {8}Transfer biscuits to a baking sheet. Bake in a 450* oven for 10 to 12 minutes or till golden. Serve warm and enjoy a mouthful of deliciousness!!


XOXO Breanna

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Carrying the Pioneer Legacy

Today we celebrate and honor the pioneers who made the long trek west to the Salt Lake Valley. This is an important day for my church and for all who are a part of the pioneer legacy. Their journey was not easy. It came with great sacrifice and firm faith. These pioneers left the comforts of their homes and filled their wagons/handcarts with very few possessions. They put their trust in the Lord and crossed the prairie plains in severe weather conditions. Many died and lost loved ones along the way. Food was limited and so was warm shelter. Some men, women, and children made the journey alone without any of their family members along their side. Many of the pioneers had left their country and came over sea. Amidst the struggle, pain, hunger, fatigue, and limited provisions, the pioneers pushed onward and did not lose hope. These brave men and women settled the Salt Lake Valley of Utah. We will forever be grateful to them for their faith and courage; but most importantly, we will follow in their footsteps of being strong and firm believers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We too can continue the legacy and be a modern pioneer today.

 “We are all needed to finish the work that was begun by those pioneering Saints . . .The Lord isn’t asking us to load up a handcart; He’s asking us to fortify our faith. He isn’t asking us to walk across a continent; He’s asking us to walk across the street to visit our neighbor. He isn’t asking us to give all of our worldly possessions to build a temple; He’s asking us to … attend regularly the temples already built. He isn’t asking us to die a martyr’s death; He’s asking us to live a disciple’s life," Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the October 2008 general conference.

Below is a link to a short video commemorating the lives of those faithful pioneers:
