Friday, August 16, 2013

Ben + Tessa, and A Wedding! Oh my!

Today my family and our sweet friend Susan will be taking a mini van and be driving across the beautiful state of Nevada. Woohoo! Yay for lots of tumble weeds, open sky, train tracks, road construction, bathroom stops, and semi trucks. Destination: Utah. The drive is not new for my family. We've taken it many times. This time, however, it is quite different and possibly one of the most exciting and happiest moments for my family to ever experience!

Tuesday, August 20th, 2013, my brother Ben and his beautiful fiancée, Tessa, will be sealing the deal and be married for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake City Temple. Wedding bells will be ringing and Mom and Dad get to see their first child begin a new chapter with a gorgeous addition to our family. You did a great job Ben! We look forward to having Tessa be part of the happy Crabtree clan! We got the wedding announcement this past week, (finally)! Loved every bit of it! It's all rushed down to the last stretch, the moment our family has been waiting for some time now. In fact, I was the first in the family to predict Ben would be proposing to Tessa way back in late February/March/Somewhere around there ;) My whole Summer has been spent counting down the weeks for this moment. As you can tell, I AM EXCITED! But boy, wedding planning sure can be stressful! (Even when you're not the one getting married) :P It's been a good learning experience for all of us though!

My mom has been putting her all into planning and putting together the wedding reception. She wants it to be beautiful, and not the run of the mill typical reception. So, she's had a lot on her plate lately, but it's all coming together. (Keep our fingers crossed). On several occasions I have heard my mom mention something which I think all family/friends should remember in the midst of a wedding, and that is: "All that really matters is the Temple". That's all we should be focused on as a top priority. All other worries need not control or dominate the greatest of them all: A beautiful temple marriage :)


Today has been a ColdPlay day. Nice relaxing music.Anyways, the reason why I bring this up is Ben, throughout his teenage years, has sat down at the piano and plunked out the song, "The Scientist". Listening to it makes me think of Ben, and it brings a happy smile to my face. Listen and enjoy!


  1. Be safe and have a wonderful wedding!

  2. Breanna, thank-you for your words about Ben and Tessa!
