Thursday, August 15, 2013

A New Journey Ahead

Life. It tends to keep you on your toes! Each day is a gift and what a beautiful gift it is :) Lately I have been in the middle of change. Lots of it. I do not know what is in store one day from another, but that's part of what makes each day new and exciting. Yet again, it is also nice to have some structure to the day, (which I'll admit is my weakness). I definitely need a planner and a big piece of paper to record lists/appointments/goals. I'm a visual person, the more I see it and am writing in it, the more likely I am to do it. So, with that being said, I hope to be a more organized/plan ahead gal who has a general idea of some things I find worthwhile and useful in regards to time/energy that I have. Pinterest/blogging can tend to get out of hand and as much fun and excitement they bring, I feel like there needs to be rules and a plan to how I go about my leisure time ;)

My challenge to all my lovely friends who are reading this blog post is to find one simple thing you have been putting on the back burner and go and do it! Whether it's a friend you've been meaning to call, a new exercise routine you'd like to start, a bad habit you need to break, a new recipe you'd like to try. Do it and don't look back! We all need some time to re-energize and get a better outlook on things. Choose that one thing you want to improve and then I want you to write it down and put that baby right where you can see it--on your bathroom mirror, on the fridge, in your car, on your face..Whatever it takes! As long as you are reminded on a regular basis, that's all that matters.

I'll start off and share one thing I would like to work on: Scripture study. Read 15 minutes each day. I'll report back at the end of the week, and I would love to hear from anyone who feels so inclined in sharing their progress :) Best of luck! And remember, if you forget or miss one's okay! Just pick up the pieces and resolve to move forward.

go & do!

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